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Madhukar Pitke

Indian Scientist
Prof. Madhukar Vishwanath Pitke, is a scientist/engineer who specializes in Electronics, Telecommunication & Information Technology, Technology Transfer and Wireless Communication.


Madhukar Pitke

Prof. M.V.Pitke’s career at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research includes several contributions to the development of computer electronics and communications technology for over 35 years. He pioneered the development of a switching system for mobile networks (1975-80) that was forerunner to the current ad-hoc networks. As Founder Director of the Center for Development of Telematics – CDoT (1984) he guided the development of technology for central office switching systems in the late 80s. He directed the development of a large parallel processor using a unique SAMD architecture for weather research. He is an Adjunct Professor at the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Bangalore, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers.



1963-Max Plank Institute Physics, Munich

1966-Professor computers and electronics Bombay University

1978-Head of Department of COMPUTER SCIENCE

1984-Founder, director Center Development of Telematics, Delhi

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