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Vsionary e-governance leader who has significantly shaped India's digital infrastructure and policy framework.

B.K. Gairola 

Professional Experience

Member Secretary, National Innovation Council | Mission Director, NeGP, Government of India
Date: 2010 - Present

  • Spearheaded numerous e-governance initiatives crucial for propelling India towards a 'Knowledge Society'.

  • Played a pivotal role in the development and diffusion of the National Knowledge Network (NKN), a multi-gigabit network enhancing connectivity across India.

  • Led the integration of ICT at the grassroots level, particularly through Panchayat-level inductions, to democratize technology access.

Director General, National Informatics Centre, Department of Information Technology
Date: 2005 - 2010

  • Oversaw the strategic and operational management of the NIC, focusing on creating a common National superhighway in cyberspace.

  • Implemented critical IT infrastructure that supported various governmental functions across India.

B.Tech in Chemical Engineering
1971 - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India

Awards & Recognitions

  • SKOCH ICT for India – Lifetime Achievement Award, 2010

  • Science and Technology Excellence Award, 2010


  • Strategic Planning and Leadership in IT

  • E-Governance

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Public Administration and Digital Transformation

  • Project Management

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