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Ashok Khosla

Pioneering environmentalist and leader in sustainable development, has significantly shaped global environmental policies and practices.

Ashok Khosla

Professional Experience:

  • 1983-Present: Chairman, Society for Development Alternatives, New Delhi

    • Responsible for strategic plans, policies, and operations.

    • Overseeing research and action programs focused on technology innovation, environmental management, and institutional systems.

    • Management of environmental and institutional systems across twelve states with an annual turnover exceeding one crore.

    • Clients include Government of India, State Governments, United Nations, World Bank, and other development agencies.

  • President, Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (T.A.R.A.), New Delhi

    • Initiated production and marketing activities of the non-profit company.

    • Introduced new rural technologies impacting fifteen states with annual sales of ten lakh rupees.

  • President, People First, New Delhi

    • Established advocacy work focusing on sustainable development, environment, and citizen’s responsibility.

Governing and Advisory Roles:

  • Chairman of various influential bodies including:

    • The Development Alternatives Group

    • International Resource Panel of the UN (IRP)

    • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

    • Club of Rome, Winterthur

    • Center for Our Common Future, Geneva

    • And more

  • Member of boards and councils including La Caixa Bank, Samsung, Toyota Motor Company, and World Wide Fund for Nature.


  • Ph.D. in Physics, Harvard University, USA

    • Dissertation on "Magnetic Resonance Experiments with Supersonic Molecular Beams"

  • B.A. (Hons.) in Natural Sciences, Cambridge University, UK

    • Majored in Physics, received the Smart Scholarship and Tait Prize

Honors & Awards:

  • Honorary Member of IUCN, 2016

  • UNEP Lifetime Award for Science Policy, 2016

  • Zayed International Environment Prize, 2015

  • WWF Duke of Edinburgh Medal, 2011

  • Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 2009

  • The United Nations Sasakawa Environment Prize, 2002

Contributions to the UN Sustainable Goals attributed to Dr. A. Khosla


  1. Identified Development Deficiencies: Played a crucial role in recognizing and addressing deficiencies in existing development patterns and advocated for integrating environmental and societal goals into economic policies.

  2. Promoted Developing Country Involvement: Advocated for and enhanced the participation of developing countries in global environmental dialogues, emphasizing the importance of their involvement to protect national interests.

  3. Improved Decision Making: Designed and implemented national and global information systems to provide reliable and timely environmental information, aiding better decision-making across various levels.

  4. Prioritized Poverty Eradication: Made a compelling case for prioritizing poverty eradication alongside environmental improvements, linking poverty reduction directly to environmental sustainability.

  5. Created Sustainable Livelihoods: Generated several hundred thousand sustainable jobs and rehabilitated degraded lands by promoting environment-friendly technologies and livelihoods through innovative institutions.

  6. Empowered Populations: Demonstrated the effectiveness of sustainable jobs in reducing population growth by empowering people, particularly women, thereby stabilizing population and environmental regeneration.

  7. Linked Governance to Environmental Quality: Generated awareness about the impact of governance systems on environmental quality and pushed for local control over natural resources.

  8. Marketed Environment-Friendly Technologies: Showcased the large market potential in developing countries for simple, science-based technologies that generate local livelihoods and are environmentally beneficial.

  9. Promoted Renewable Resources: Highlighted the viability and necessity of using renewable resources to fulfill basic needs and minimize environmental damage.

  10. Raised Environmental Awareness: Elevated public understanding and concern for environmental issues and sustainable development through media products and institutional campaigns.

  11. Fostered Multi-disciplinary Collaboration: Built and managed institutions that integrate diverse expertise for environmental action, blending social objectives with business methods.

  12. Ensured Institutional Sustainability: Focused on building capacity within organizations to ensure their longevity and effectiveness in delivering high-quality environmental solutions.


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